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Gastroherbal® represents the most thoroughly tested natural compound that is successfully used for over 30 years in the treatment of various stomach aches, ulcer and gastritis.

Woman, 28 years old , general practitioner. She complained about indigestion and gas in the stomach in the last three months. She used then Gastroherbal® capsules 1 × 2 after meal and noticed a significant relief from the tension and uneasiness she had felt in the stomach. She is satisfied and feels great.

Woman, 55 years old , general practitioner. She complained of an atrophic chronic form of gastritis and of very unpleasant sensations in her stomach after meal. The treatment with standard medication did not help her. She started a six-week treatment with Gastroherbal. The disorders diminished already after the first week of the treatment. By the end of the sixth week she was feeling very well and had no disorders after meal. "I have to admit that after a long time I am now again enjoying my meals."

Man, 67 years of age , retired. He has had gastritis for ten years. The treatment with standard medication (antacids, inhibitors of the proton pump) did not help him and he continued having dyspeptic trouble. A year ago he tried a six-week treatment with Gastroherbal® capsules 2 x 2 for the first time. Since then his gastric disorders (sickness, nausea, stomach pain) disappeared, now he feels great. Knowing that he had a serious health problem and having spent so much time on unsuccessful treatment with analgesics, today he recommends Gastroherbal® with all his heart to everybody suffering from similar aches.

Man, 50 years old, gastroenterologist. He has had gastric disorders for two years, with symptoms indicating gastritis. He did gastroscopy a couple of times, which did not confirm gastritis. He tried to cure his problem with medication therapy, but, as he says, he still did not feel any improvement in his health. He decided to take Gastroherbal® capsules , the recommended dosage of 2x2 daily, for six weeks. Now, after the treatment with Gastroherbal® he feels great and does not have the disturbances that he had earlier.

Woman, 54 years old , suffers from gastritis for a couple of years. She verified it through gastroscopy, when she was also prescribed a treatment with standard medication. This has not helped her cure her illness. A year ago she took Gastroherbal® capsules for six weeks which cured her gastritis. While laughing, she says:" I even gained 2 pounds, thanks to your Gastroherbal®!"